Cherry Hill Jack

Jack Brangan

Candidate for the New Jersey Assembly
Legislative District #6

I Am Your Seat in the Assembly

Jack Brangan for New Jersey Assembly

Jack Brangan

We have lived in Cherry Hill since 1984 and have put three children
through the Cherry Hill School System

Legislative District #6

Jack Brangan for School Board

Cherry Hill!

stop these Distractions!

Diversity, equity, inclusion, climate change, queer theory, gender politics, mindfulness, anti-racism, social-emotional learning, wellness, social justice, climate justice, environmental justice, criminal justice, racial justice, identity politics, race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender obsession, group teaching


Have we lost focus of academic excellence?

Cherry Hill is paying a heavy price

Cherry Hill!

Where are the alarm bells?

A District in Decline?

  • East fails minimum standard in math
  • West has failed the minimum standard in math since 2018 (maybe even longer)
  • Carusi fails minimum standards in math
  • Carusi fails minimum standards in English
  • Kilmer fails minimum standard in math
  • Kilmer fails minimum standard in English
  • Barton is about to go under in math
  • Beck is about to go under in math
  • Beck is about to go under in English

Saving Carusi and Beck ...
Saves West and East

- Carusi Ranks Below State Minimum Standards, Beck is Close to Failing -

Teachers, Teachers and More Teachers

Students who are struggling coming out of Beck or Carusi, likely will struggle in high school.  I will propose that we create a program focused on finding those struggling students in the elementary grades as early as third grade and continuing to eighth grade.

Jack Brangan for School Board

does your building pass?

There's more ...

Cherry Hill Jack

Parents Taking Back Control of Our Schools

Cherry Hill Sex Ed curriculum
Crossing a boundary

I will propose to repeal the "secrets" policy #5756

no Secrets!
Policy #5756

Boundaries Crossed

Is your child changing gender in school?

Cherry Hill School District has no obligation to inform you!

Hide this from parents?

Cherry Hill Schools should be promoting healthy relationships between a child and the parents, not obstructing them.  

I Do Not Support This

Exposing Cherry Hill to law suits

Jack Brangan for School Board

gender identity is Now Part of your child's Curriculum

Cherry Hill introduces “gender identity” in kindergarten and reinforces it throughout the elementary, middle and high school years. 


I Do Not Support This

Jack Brangan for School Board

Jack Brangan's Proposal

I will propose that Cherry Hill defaults to 100% System wide OPT-OUT of the sexual health lessons. Interested parents can OPT-IN for their child's instruction.

I support any adult to live their best life however they see fit.  But we are educating children to be adults. In my opinion, this curriculum forces adult topics onto children. 

School Dress Uniforms for Cherry Hill Students?

Pennsauken Schools, Camden City Schools and
Private Schools All Have Them

Why not Cherry Hill?

  • Promotes a sense of belonging, unity, and school pride
  • Reduces socio-economic distinctions
  • Increased Safety – easily pick out who should not be on campus
  • Reduces peer pressure: fashion trends are very expensive and distracting
  • Fosters Discipline
  • Improves Focus on Learning
  • Saves Time, Effort and Money
  • Promotes Equality – all students on equal footing
  • Prepares for the Future
  • Builds a Professional Image
  • Contributes to a more respectful and orderly atmosphere
  • Eliminates endless dress code debates for good
  • Dress sharp, think sharp!

Other Proposals for Cherry Hill

It's Time for A Change

Below are a few other areas I will be interested in if elected to the Board of Education


In 2018 we had roughly the same number of students as now. But with the same number of students, we are spending $21M more. Where is the money going?

$363M Bond Oversite

Is there an accounting firm providing oversite that is not being paid by the Board?
We only have one chance to get this right.

New Superintendent Search

The new Superintendent should not be confirmed until after new the Board is seated.

Failing Performance Reports

Raising DOE scores for Math and English in each of our buildings will be performance objectives for all Administrators.

Bonuses for Our Great Teachers - LONG OVERDUE

I will support performance bonuses for our very best teachers.

Aggresive Hiring New Teachers

I support aggressive recruiting and hiring bonuses for new college graduates to bring the best and brightest to Cherry Hill.

Spot Classroom Overcrowding

One third of our elementary school classes are at capacity. With additional students, they are overcrowded., teachers overwhelmed, children lose.

Budget Trimming?

In 2023-24 , we will be spending $22,000 per pupil.
A $234,000,000 school budget for 10,736 students.

Parents' Bill of Rights

I will support a document of understanding between parents and the Board outlining rights and responsibilities..

Jack Brangan for Board of Education