About Jack Brangan

Jack Brangan

I am running for the Board of Education Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Hello everyone, my name is Jack Brangan, and I am running for a seat on the Board of Education. Our family has lived in Cherry Hill since 1983, and I have put three children through the Cherry Hill school system: Bret Harte, Rosa, Beck and East.

I graduated from Villanova University and started my career as a mathematics teacher in the Camden School System (Hatch Middle and Woodrow Wilson), Cinnaminson School system (high school and middle school), and Washington Twp middle school.

Later I worked for CIGNA Corporation as a mainframe COBOL programmer and application development manager until I was “outsourced to IBM.”

At IBM, I worked across North America on projects for some of the largest companies in the world. Managing application development teams, I worked with the most diverse teams on the planet: South America, China, Germany, UAE, India, Russia and, of course, the USA. My final contract for IBM was as a manager in Parsippany, NJ, with teams in the US and Hyderabad, India. With each trip to Hyderabad, when the IBM work was completed and my colleagues headed for the airport, I took off by myself and traveled throughout India and neighboring countries. So, in addition to going to the major IT centers, I visited the Taj Mahal in Agra, the Pink City in Jaipur, Katmandu and Mt. Everest in Nepal, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and a short trip to Abu Dhabi (not all in one trip of course!).

I am retired and live with my wife, Judy, here in Cherry Hill. 

If elected, I will be able to spend most of my time on BOE business, M-F, 9-5.